BioSure HIV Self Test (sometimes known as an HIV home test) allows you to discreetly determine your own HIV status at a time and a place that is convenient to you. Our HIV self test is extremely easy to perform, does not need and mixing or measuring, requires only a fraction of a drop of blood and gives an extremely accurate, simple to read result in 15 minutes. Click here to Buy HIV Test Kit.

The first Legally Approved, CE Marked HIV Self Test.

BioSure's innovative HIV Self Test is over 99.7% accurate from 3 months after suspected exposure to the infection. It needs only a tiny amount of blood - incredibly only 2.5 microlitres (a small drop is about 5 microlitres) to give you your clear & easy to read test result while you wait.
BioSure HIV Self Test has gone through extensive scrutiny and was the first product approved for sale.
It is the No 1 selling HIV self test in the UK.
Since it's launch it has evidenced and proven how usable it is for everybody. It legally carries the CE mark, allowing you complete trust and confidence.


Important Information

Your test may not detect HIV infections that have occurred within the last 3 months.

The test is a single use, disposable device.

If your test result is positive you should contact your local sexual health clinic or healthcare professional who will perform a confirmatory HIV test and provide advice.
If your test result is negative it does not mean you are definitely not infected with HIV, especially if your exposure may have occurred within the past 3 months.
If you engage in activities that increase your risk of exposure to HIV you should test regularly.
Without diagnosis and treatment then HIV will, over time, develop into  Advanced HIV (commonly known as AIDS). A person is considered to have developed AIDS when their immune system is so weak it can no longer fight off a range of diseases with which it would normally cope.
This test is not suitable if you are receiving anti-retroviral treatment (ART).
View our Warnings and Precautions