Roses have thorns, chocolates are packed with hollow calories and cards are over-priced and will inevitably be either thrown out with tomorrow’s rubbish, or horded away for years –right?
If the statement above sums up what you’re feeling in the run up to Valentine’s Day, read on friends… Because this year the 14th February doesn’t just have to be about loved up couples. Here are our top tips for surviving Valentine’s for sexy singles…
Don’t pretend it’s not a tricky day
You could be to Valentine’s day what Scrooge was to Christmas and delight in making scathing remarks about couples, or you could try and ignore the ‘festivities’ and stay in licking your wounds, but neither of these strategies will help make Valentine’s Day go any quicker. No matter whether you’re single, divorced or really happy as a bachelor or bachelorette, Valentine’s Day – with love lust and cheesy romance being shoved in your face for most of February – isn’t for everyone. So don’t pretend it is. At least this year it’s a Sunday so at least you won’t have to face the ‘everyone else has flowers delivered to work’ frustrations.
Get a plan in place ahead of time, so you don’t find yourself on the sofa with Ben and Jerry’s (which actually sounds like bliss to me!) If you’re recently single, divorced or grieving – it’s worth reaching out to friends or family for some company and perhaps some sympathy.
Don’t let the couple driven culture define your choice to be single
If you’re single and loving it, don’t let society’s pressure to be in a couple make you feel inadequate. For some of us it is a very conscious choice
You’re living your life, doing your thing and you don’t need a partner to complete you – that’s pretty special. Loads of people aren’t in a relationship and still give and receive love. Go out with friends, visit family – have a good time!
You could even buy yourself a little treat......
Hook up
Why not? I can virtually guarantee that there are going to be millions of singles searching for love on Saturday 13th February. Loads of bars and clubs have singles nights so take a look at what’s happening in your local area. If it’s the right choice for you and you’re responsible and safe (we mean use a condom – go prepared and protect your sexual health) then there’s no reason why you can’t wake up on Valentine’s morning with Mr or Ms Right (or Mr or Ms ‘right now’ – who cares?).
Oh and if you have taken a risk with your sexual health (drunken fumble perhaps), don’t panic – it’s happened to the best of us – but it’s worth getting the all clear on the STI front.
Read part two of our Valentine’s Day guide later this week